People born
on dates 6, 15 and 24th of any Month.
They are
the ones who can be called really lucky, who are born on dates 6, 15 or 24th
of any month because they have longetivity, they are healthy, happy, good
looking, charming and most important
quality that they have the ability to captivate others. They are full of youth
and they have ability to attract others, specially opposite sex people will be
more pleased with these people. They will be very good in love-making because
of the ruling planet Venus, which is also called the planet of LOVE <3.....
They will easily become comfortable with anyone they want.
people are artistic, and Music loving, lovely people. They like themselves to
be dressed up nicely and be in best outfit. Living life Kingsize with all the
pleasures and goodness is what they want. They have an artistic heart, which is
quite emotional, but in a good way. They are very romantic, they can be called
good poets, or Actors. All the very famous actors have one thing in common that
they have the planet Shukra(Venus) in very good position. Ranbeer, Hritik,
Emraan...... LEONARDO DE CAPRIO, JOHNNY the old ones, AMITABH,
Dharmendra, Dilip Kumar they have very good position of Venus in their birth
chart, so Birth Number 6 people can try their luck in acting, or Music or any
field of Art. Even the birth Chart of famous European painter Leonardo Da Vinci
also shows the same thing.
They have
very good choice of everything. Lets say for eg, if they buy a dress, they’ll
always choose the most expensive and best looking among all. Even if they have
less money they’ll spend wholeheartedly ! Other people’s progress may cause
certain amount of envy in their heart. They will wish to be in better position
than the other so at times they have to put in lot of effort and labour to make
it possible. Their sweet/bold voice, good looks is appreciated by all. The
personality of this people is so attractive that people go captivated with them
and often they are bound to say “Yes” to everything they say.
Venus is the brightest planet in the sky,
which is easily visible by the naked eye. It has control over the sexual
feelings in all creatures of the Earth and in our body its in the form of
Veerya(semen), strength, youth, sexual organs and is responsible for its growth
and progress. The most beautiful women in the world are directly related to the
number 6. Women representing this number are beautiful, well-behaved and
intresting in all sense. Men too, are no less.
They do not
like to fight or any type of arguement. If any situation of fight arises, they
choose to stay back from the fight, and avoid the arguement. They prefer to
compromise rather than argue.
Dates- 20th April to 18th May and 21st
September to 19th October are more favourable than the other days of
the year, provided that other stars also are good. Favourable time should be
choosen to begin any auspicious work. Any number which gets divided by 3 is
good for them, namely 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and so on.......
Dates- 1-19 April and 20-31st October of every year cannot be called
lucky for you. Any kind of struggle is natural to arise, aven health matters
should be taken care of that time.
Day- Shukrawar(Friday).
Your Color-
For you, auspicious color is Light Blue, Pink and bright white. You should try
to use maximum of this color. Bring sofa covers, bed sheets, pillow covers of
Bright White, if possible, so that the vibrations of your soul color is always
with you. A white color handkerchief is a must in your pocket to bring good
favours from all directions. Also wear white as much as you can, it will
multiply your personality many times more.
are ‘Shukra pradhan’, i.e your ruling planet is Venus, so you must always wear
a DIAMOND, which is also the King of Gems. The bigger the stone, the more
better it is. Diamond is always wore in Gold, only then it shows favourable
results. Diamond has best power of attraction and Vashikaran and if someone
wears it during intercourse, he will surely give full satisfaction to his wife,
because it has the property of increasing ejaculation time. If both the people
wear it then both are equally satisfied. Diamond has great property of attracting
Lakshmi, wealth, good fortune and other people towards the wearer. There is no
or very little effect of Electric shock after wearing it and also it gives release from many unwanted
diseases. Even Gods wear this stone, then surely its the best of all Gems.

Worship- Your
Isht Dev is ‘Kartviryarjun’, who is worshipped in all worlds. His attractive
Mantra energised idol should be established in the worship place and every
morning remember him and then begin your day. If not possible, then look at the
Diamond which you are wearing and the start your day, you will be getting
excellent news all through the day !
Light incense and ghee oil lamp and chant thus-
Every morning with pure heart, leaving Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Ahankaar.....
and chant just 1 mala rosary of this mantra then it fulfills all the good wishes
listed above.
1. Its better you choose a career which doesn’t include much labour work, but
mind work, it will bring more intrest to you.
2. Music,
Acting, Dancing or any kind of Artistic work will best suit you.
3. If you
do buisiness do it with cosmetic goods or beautician or home decoration, its
best you can put yourself into.
Wish You
Karthaveeryarjuna Stotram is a powerful stotra which is believed to help one recover stolen,
misplaced or lost items. Kartha Veeryarjuna, an incarnation of Lord
Vishnu’s Sudarshana Chakra, was a king of Hehaya dynasty. Below is Kartha Veeryarjuna Stotram Lyrics With English Meaning...
Om Karthaveeryarjuno Nama
Raja Baahu Sahasravan
Thasya Smarana Mathrena
Gatham Nashtam Cha Labhyathe
Om Salutations to Karthaveeryarjuna,
The king who has several hands,
Just my remembering him,
The loss which occurred would be got.
Kartha Veeryaha, Khala Dweshi, Krutha, Veeryo Sutho, Bali,
Sahasra Bahu, Shatrugno, Rakthavasa Dhanurdhara
Kartha Veerya, hater of wicked, son of Krutha Veerya, strong one,
Thousand handed one, killer of enemies,
One who lives in bloody battles, One who holds a bow.
Raktha Gandho, Raktha Malyo, Raja, Smarthur, Abheeshtada,
Dwasaaithani Namani Kartha Veeryasya Ya Padeth,
Sampad Sthathra Jayanthe Jana Sthathra Vasamgatha,
Aanayathayasu Doorastham Kshema Labha Yutham Priyam
One with smell of blood, One who wears a garland of blood ,
King , One who is to be remembered , one who is desirable,
If these twelve names of Karthaveerya are read,
Wealth will accumulate there , people will be under their control,
Undesirable things will go far and safety and profit will come near.
Sahasra Bahum, Mahitham, Sasaram Sachapam,
Rakthambaram Vi Vidha Raktha Kireeta Bhoosham,
Choradhi Dushta Bhaya Nasanam , Ishta Daantham,
Dhyayen Maha Bala Vijrumbitha Kartha Veeryam
I meditate on the very strong and blossoming Kartha Veerya,
Who has thousand hands, who is honoured, holds bow and arrows,
Who wears bloddy cloths, who decorated with crowns soaked in different
Who destroy the fear to thieves and bad people and fulfills desires.
Yasya Smarana Mathrena Sarva Dukha Kshayo Bhaveth,
Yan Naamani Maha Veeraschaarjuna Krutha Veeryvan
As soon as one remembers this all sorrow would be destroyed,
And these names of the great hero, would make,
Valorous people as great as Karthaveeryarjuna.
Haihayadhi Pathe, Stotram Sahasravruthi Karitham ,
Vanchithartha Pradham Nrunam Swarajyam Sukrutham Yadi
This prayer of the Lord of the Hehaya clan, if read thousand times, would
definitely fulfill all that is desired and alsoget him his own country if he
has good luck.
Ithi Kartha Veeryarjuna Dwadasa Nama Stotram Sampoornam Sri
Thus ends the prayer of twelve names of Kartha Veeryarjuna
Everything is given to Krishna
Ravana didn't want to own Sita
forcibly. He kept strict security around her and allotted many maids to
serve her. He was proposing her everyday to be his queen to which Sita was
rejecting. Ravana's wife Mandodari advised him not to do this sin and to give
Sita to Rama and make friendship. Ravana was too arrogant and refused.
Mandodhari asked Ravana what if Rama found out Sita's where abouts and declared
a war on Lanka. Ravana was so confidant that he can win Rama. Then Mandodari
reminded him two incidents.

Once king Karthaveeryarjuna
(ReferParashuramavatar) went to river Narmadha with his beautiful wives to play
water games and to bath . With his powerful thousand hands he stopped the flow
of water in the river, entered the river and started playing in the water with
his wives. Without knowing this, Ravana also came to the same river noted the
flow in the river was very less. So he put a tent on the bank of the river and
entered the river had a good bath, sat near his tent, started to perform Shiva
Puja. Karthaveeryarjuna decided to finish his water game after some time and
and go back to his palace. So he removed the blockage of water and allowed
the flow in the river. The stopped water flew with great force in the river and
affected Ravana’s Shiva puja. His tent was taken away by the force of flood.
Ravana was very furious at the sudden flow of water in the river and understood
that it was the work of Karthaveeryarjuna. He ran towards Karthaveeryarjuna to
hit him. Karthaveeryarjuna lifted him with his fingers without any effort as if
he was lifting a tiny creature even before he could start the fight, took him
to his capital city Magishmathi and imprisoned him. Ravana had to be in the
prison for many years. After some years Karthaveeryarjuna took pity on him and
released him from the prison. Later Karthaveeryarjuna was killed by Parashurama
(Refer Parashuramavatar). Parashurama accepted his defeat to Rama (Refer Sita's
Swayamvaram). So Mandodari asked Ravana how he can win over Rama as he
couldn't even stand a chance with Karthaveeryarjuna.
Another Kartha Veeryarjuna Stotra Mantra-
Om Froung Chreeng Kleeng Bruung Aang Hreeng Krong Shreem Aing hung Fhut Swaha Om
Karthaveeryarjunaya Namah